5 Days of Giving – Toiletries and Baby Items for Mary’s Place

Well, our students did it again. They showed amazing generosity, caring and empathy by bringing in a treeful of items for Mary’s Place. What an amazing week of generosity, EZ Tigers!! Thanks for thinking of others during this season of giving.                               

Crazy carpets, sleds, toboggans and shovels

Today a number of our students came to school with crazy carpets, sleds or toboggans, hoping to use them during our outdoor nutrition break times.  Safety is our number one priority when students are playing outside, and due to the large number of students outside at our break times, we would ask that students NOT […]

5 Days of Giving – Shoes for Uganda

Today we collected money to purchase shoes in Uganda. $5 will buy one pair of shoes for a child, so each paper shoe represents $5. At this point we have collected enough money to purhase 100 pairs of shoes!                                                                                       For tomorrow, we will be collecting diapers and toiletries for Mary’s Place.

5 Days of Giving – Hats and Mitts for Out of the Cold

There will be lots of warm hands and heads in our community, thanks to the generosity of our EZ students.                                         For tomorrow, please bring money to buy shoes for children in Uganda. $5 will buy one pair of running shoes!!

5 Days of Giving – School Supplies for a First Nations School in Ontario

Today, we collected school supplies for a First Nations School in Ontario.                                 Tomorrow we are collecting hats and mitts for “Out of the Cold”, a local charity.

5 Days of Giving – Books for Benin

Yesterday was our first day of giving, and we collected an amazing amount of books to send to an orphanage in Benin.                                               

Seasonal Open House – one week from today!!!

On Tuesday December 17 we will be having a Seasonal Open House at Elizabeth Ziegler from 6:00-7:30 pm. Please come out and enjoy some music, crafts, carol singing, hot chocolate, and performances by some of our classes. This event will be a free flow open house, so come when you can, and enjoy this opportunity […]

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