Weather monitoring

We will continue to monitor the weather throughout the afternoon. If it appears to be safe, we will go out for afternoon break, and will continue to monitor conditions throughout the break. We will also monitor conditions closely at dismissal, as we want students to be safe as they travel home. Kindergarten students in Room […]

Have your say in the 2015-16 Budget Process!

How can you give input? Appear as a delegation at the June 10, 2015 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting. If you would like to appear as a delegation, you must register with the Manager of Corporate Services by noon on Thursday, June 4 2015. More information on delegation procedures and how to register is […]

Update: Information Regarding Grades 3 & 6 EQAO Assessments

We would like to provide families with an update to our previous letter indicating that the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) would begin strike action on Monday, May 11, 2015. The strike action taken by ETFO across the province, and including here in the WRDSB, involves the withdrawal of administrative duties, including the administration […]

Update on Administration of Grades 3, 6 & 9 EQAO Assessments

The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) notified the WRDSB that they will not be sending the Grade 3 and 6 Reading, Writing and Mathematics assessment materials to any boards currently affected by labour action. As a result, no WRDSB students in Grades 3 and 6 will participate in the EQAO assessment this year, until […]

EZ Science Fair – tonight from 6:00-7:30

Tonight our Science Fair will be set up in the gym from 6:00-7:30. Please plan to come by and see the great projects that our students have been working on.    

Science Fair – tomorrow!

Our students have been working hard on their Science Fair projects, and our big event is tomorrow! A few reminders to students: You can bring your projects to school anytime after 8:00 tomorrow morning. Please meet Mr. Vos in the gym and he will direct you to your table. Projects need to remain in the […]

No Child Without – MedicAlert Foundation

The MedicAlert® Foundation Canada is a charitable organization which is the leading provider of emergency medical information services linked to customized medical bracelets and necklaces. We are pleased to be able to offer MedicAlert memberships to students (from age 4 to their 14th birthday) through the No Child Without® program in select schools. The financial support of the Government of […]

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