Today is Random Act of Kindness Day in Waterloo Region, and our K-Gr. 2/3 classes were treated to a FREE concert by children’s entertainer Erick Traplin!

Earlier this week as a Random Act of Kindness, our K-Gr. 2/3 classes made and decorated some cards that were delivered today to seniors in area nursing homes. Participating schools were put into a draw, and EZ was the school that was chosen for the concert. This amazing surprise was a gift from the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation as a thank you to our students for being so thoughtful and kind.

We are proud of all of our EZ students for the way that they show kindness on a daily basis, and thank the KWCF for their generosity and kindness that they showed us today. A big thank you as well to Erick Traplin for sharing his time and talents with us. The students had a blast (and so did the staff!).

