Class lists

It is hard to believe that a week from today is our first day of school for the 2013-2014 school year! Many of our students  are eager to know whose class they will be in this year. Class lists with teacher’s names will be posted this coming Friday by 5:00. You are welcome to come by anytime […]

Bussing Information

Bus information will be available the last week of August at . Login information can be found in the EZ June newsletter available on this site.

To all Parents of Senior Kindergarten students

The first day of school for Senior Kindergarten students is Wednesday, September 4.  

Extended Day at EZ

Starting on September 3, 2013, Elizabeth Ziegler School will have before and after school care. For more information  please call 519 570-0003 ext. 4704.

Now, there’s an idea!

Does your child sometimes lose things? Why not try Mabel’s Labels. Labels are personalized and come ready to use. Order these colourful, indestructible, easy-to-use labels today at  . Brought to you by EZ School Council.

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